Tuesday 17 November 2015

Work and College.. How?

Hey there!

A few days ago I received a question along with a suggestion to make a post about it to here it is! A girl asked 'is it hard to work and go college at the same time?' Well the answer is of course yes, its ridiculously hard to find time to do coursework, spend 15h a week at college AND go to work 2-3 times a week if not more. Sometimes I ask myself if it was a good idea to apply for this job, as it takes up a lot of my time during busy periods at the hotel. I often don't cope with stress very well, like reaching deadlines and having everything done on time, of course its stressful for every student, and now imagine on top of that having to go to work, so you have less time than you thought to complete tasks.

However, I love my job and the people I work with. Although its pretty much working at the same place, and seems like every time I go in, its the same thing all over again. But its really not, something new, something different happens each time. Its exciting, fun and I love working there (most the time ha). The banter is flowing of course, and I'm definitely not thinking of applying for a different job anytime soon. One of the perks working in the hotel is that you occasionally get to meet someone famous which is exciting cause you get to work for them, and spend time with them, talk, laugh and all these kinds of things. Last weekend I got to work for the WWE fighters. I was so excited but stressed at the same time, worrying something would go wrong. But arriving there, I met some amazing people including Roman Reigns, Fandango, Curt Hussey and many many more superstars and divas which was a great experience. Had a chance to talk to them as if they were a normal group of people, as if they werent famous for anything, just normal customers and that helped me relax as I got to spend time with them and know they are nice and laid back people. Honestly could do this again!

I'm not sure I have any advice on how to deal with this, but what helps me is planning my day in advance usually day or two earlier. I normally use a notebook calendar for this, with the hours in the day, I plan my day and include all the tasks I need to complete within the day giving myself an appropriate amount of time to complete the tasks, so if I have to go to work on a specific day, but I'm covered in coursework to complete, then I give myself an hour or two before and after work to do some homework. It really helps! What I also have is little notepad to make lists/points which you tick off after you completed a task or even if you just bought what you needed. You can buy these in a shop called Muji located in Oxford Street opposite Office!

Guys! I want to rearrange my blog a little, and your help/advice would be so helpful! I am no computer genius, and I tried to create a nice, simple but interesting design, however I don't have appropriate software or programs to do this. If any of you are good with ICT, or know anyone who is and could give me a hand, it would be great! Leave a comment below or leave a message on facebook/instagram! Thank you so much x

Samantha x


  1. w jaki sposob znalazlas swoja prace? :)

    1. Jedna z moich przyjaciółek pracuje tam i poleciła mi ten hotel

  2. Co uważasz o kupowaniu ciuchów w lumpeksach? 

    1. Nie mam nic przeciwko choć osobiście wole nowe ze sklepu

  3. Jaka dzielnica w Londynie podoba ci się najbardziej?

    1. Nie mam jednej ulubionej dzielnicy ponieważ cały Londyn jest piękny , ale najbardziej uwielbiam jeździć do centrum , Hyde Park , Oxford Street , Richmond oraz Shepherds Bush :)

  4. Jakie filmy ostatnio ogladalas i smialo mozesz polecic? :)

    1. Oglądałam ostatnio film 'Think Like a Man' i Mean Girls , obydwa filmy bardzo mi sie podobały

  5. kogo obserwujesz na snapie? masz jakies fajne osoby? kogo lubisz ogladac?

    1. Obserwuje przeważnie przyjaciół ale równiesz Adam Waithe, Jake Boys i Andrea Russett

  6. łatwo jest spotkać w londynie jakąś sławną osobę ?

    1. Jest tutaj bardzo dużo sławnych osób, lecz ja często nie wpadam ma żadne z nich, prawie wcale, ale wiem ze często osoby spotykają sławy :) pare lat temu Conor Maynard jadł z nami w Subway pare minut od miejsca gdzie mieszkam

  7. Paulina pomagala ci zrobic naglowek? bo miala chyba bardzo podobny?

    1. Nagłówek zrobił mi mój przyjaciel ze szkoły, który w tym czasie uczył mnie używać Photoshop i akurat taki design wymyślił bo było najłatwiej a szukałam czegoś co mogła bym łatwo zmienić :)



© S A M A N T H A ‌ ‍ ‎C ‌H ‌A ‌R ‌L ‌O ‌T ‌T ‌E ‌ ‍ ‎A ‌B R A M C Z Y K. Design by Fearne.