Thursday 27 August 2015


Summer is almost over and I'm depressed, but I'm looking forward to my last year at college and completing the art course! It was raining overnight but the sun finally came out in London! I've been in bed for a few days, feeling really ill and I couldn't handle the sickness and pain anymore so I was taken to A&E. After all tests, the doctors said I have a kidney infection which means antibiotics and a few more days at home :( I refused to stay in overnight but luckily I'm allowed to carry on with my driving lessons, yay.

Moving onto the reason I created this post.. a few weeks ago I heard of an application where you can get your photos printed in good quality as well as off Instagram (these will come in squares). I decided to use the app and print roughly 50 photographs from summer, which only cost me about £6 with delivery. It is a Polish application but downloading it you can get it in English! To get your photos, you need to download an application called 'pstrykamy' and then choose photos from your phones albums. I got it shortly after I placed my order, considering I live in London and they come from Poland!

As I mentioned a few weeks back, I wanted to create a YouTube channel.. and its finally here! I got myself together and uploaded my first video too! Check it out on my channel, ill leave a link to it down below.

Samantha x

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